Drew Goodall once had aspirations to become a successful actor, and had a brief stint in the movie industry, starring in movies such as Snatch and About a boy.

He even met famous Hollywood stars Hugh Grant and Brad Pitt.

But one day, someone posted a negative review about his acting, and this changed everything.

Credit: Thinking Humanity

His life took a plunge. Even though he was running out of money, he didn’t want to worry his parents, so kept quiet about his financial hardship.

He couldn’t pay rent, and didn’t want to stay at his family home, so slept rough for six months during the ‘90s.

He begged for money and food, and struggled every single day.

Credit: Thinking Humanity

Drunk passers by often beat him up and he had to resort to sleeping in cardboard boxes outside of the of London Academy of Performing Arts.

His dire situation also took a toll on his mental health—he suffered from depression.

But life started looking up a little when he began polishing shoes to make extra cash. He did this for six months until a regular customer offered him a job in his office doing the same thing!

Credit: Thinking Humanity
Eventually, after earning enough money, Drew took the plunge!

He started his own shoe shining business named “Sunshine Shoeshine” and earns £250,000 a year!

Credit: Thinking Humanity
Drew mostly hires other people who are homeless or those with special needs.
Credit: Thinking Humanity

He also gives a lot of his money to charity!

Drew has never forgotten those tough six months sleeping rough, so has already hired 40 homeless people, and they get to donate to a charity of their choice from their salary.

Alan Walton, 45, is one of Drew’s employees, and is so thankful to Drew for giving him a chance after being on the streets for 15 years, and suffering from health issues.

Drew is certainly giving so many people inspiration and hope for the future!

Watch the touching story here:

Credit: Thinking Humanity


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